Saturday, October 17, 2009

Project 2;Focus with set aperture

In the course notes it suggests that this project be done in the field. I have chosen to use a still life instead.
Photo 1. F 4.0, 105 mm, 0.6 sec. Camera on tripod. Focus sharply on foreground.

Photo 2. F 4.0, 105 mm, 0.6 sec. Camera on tripod. Focus on the middle of shot.

Photo 3. F 4.0, 105 mm, 0.6 sec. Camera on tripod. Focus on back of shot. Fore and mid ground are blurred.
I think I prefer the third photo. What I prefer about it is that the eye is led into the picture from the foreground.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Project 1. Focal length and angle of view.

Project 1; Focal length and angle of view.
I mounted the camera on a tripod for this project.
Photo 1 is taken with a zoom lens. The focal length is 17 mm. It was quite apparent that everything within the frame appeared smaller than reality.
Photo 2 is taken with a 50 mm lens. It was easy to see that the elements within the frame were the same size as they are in reality. The camera has a full frame sensor and this therefore is the standard focal length.
Photo 3 is taken with a 35 mm prime lens. Again the elements within the frame are smaller than they are in reality.
Following printing the photos I found that viewing the 50 mm shot was comfortable at about 45 cm or less than an arms length. The 17 mm shot needed to be very close to my eyes, so close it was uncomfortable to view. The 35 mm also needed to be seen quite close up.