Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Assignment 5 Follow up.

I just ordered Magnum Stories, a book recommended by my tutor. it was expensive but what the hell. I have been reading Between the eyes by David Levi Strauss too and found an interesting essay on Aesthetics in photography and whether can be anesthetic. He says " that being politically correct (as in a photograph with a political message like the work of Sebastiao Salgado) doesn't signify much unless the work is also visually and conceptually compelling"
What this says to me is that the trouble that I go to get the composition, the lighting etc right is necessary because it all helps the viewer to see what you as the photographer want them to see.

I looked up the work of Cig Harvey as suggested. I really like it. She uses a lot of narrative in her work. The gallery on 350 main street is particularly narrative. I like also that each of the images go to make up the narrative but also could stand alone as individual photographs. All of them have an evidence of action/juxtaposition feel to them. They make me wonder what happens next or what has happened. Lots of colour used too. Also they have a labrador and so do we! This website has given me a lot of ideas, I have started to collect photos for an ongoing series called home.
I also checked out Duane Michals. In terms of narrative there is no arguing that the sequence titled "I build a pyramid" is narrative. In fact it is so simple that it makes me think why the hell didn't I think of that!
He also designed and did the art work for the Police Album Synchronicity which again is a narrative sequence. Again his narrative work is as my tutor suggested economical in linking themes together in his photos.

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