Below are the photos that I submitted for Assignment 1 TAOP. In hindsight and with the benefit of my by now greater experience I would definitely change some of photos submitted.
Overall the feedback was encouraging. This was an assignment I found difficult. It was the first time I have ever had to produce something to a specific set of criteria. It was also the first time I ever had to submit work for scrutiny and criticism.
I printed them in pairs on sheets of A4 fine art paper. A pair to a page, this is a give away on how I was thinking, they were to be seen in pairs.
ISO 100. F 5.0 @ 1/60 second.
Very good feedback for this, my tutor describes it as "an excellent image". although he does go on to say that if the chain was rusty it could be considered to be weak by some.
ISO 1000. F 4.0 1/160 second.
I agree with his comments on this photo. " Looking at this image I am not sure what it represents".
ISO 100. F 9.0 @ 1/5th of a second.
very good feedback here "Yes, but it could also say matches"
ISO 100. F 16 @ 1/160 second.
"A powerful image".
ISO 100. F 18 30.0 seconds.
"The abstract and textural quality of this image is well chosen"
ISO 1000. F 7.0 @ 1/50 of a second.
ISO 250. f 2.8 1/2000 second. The feedback here is that my tutor feels that these are better viewed as a pair. Particularly blunt. the first is definitely pointed but "the hammer is always a hammer". I was working off a definition in a dictionary as below:
blunt |blÉ™nt|adjective1 (of a knife, pencil, etc.) having a worn-down edge or point; not sharp :a blunt knife.• having a flat or rounded end : the blunt tip of the leaf.
ISO 200. f 9.0 @ 1/400 second. Good feedback and the lighting was singled out.
ISO 100. f 10 @ 1/50 second. Similar feedback as above.
ISO 250. F 2.8 @ 1/6400 of a second. He rightly points out that I should try and eliminate the horizontal line running through the frame.