Saturday, March 27, 2010

project 26; Real and implied triangles

Triangles, real and implied.

Well next to rectangles triangles have to be the most common occurring shapes. They can be created by perspective like the following real triangles;

And again but converging towards the top.

A subject which is triangular.

Perspective again.

Implied triangles;

still life of flowers with the apex implied towards the bottom of the frame.

and with the apex implied towards the top of the frame. Although this is less clear in this example.

here is a photo I took lying on my back and you can see a clear triangle converging towards the bottom of the frame.

and lastly a clear triangle in here from this group of people.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Project 25; Rectangles


The thing that struck me with this project as I began to look around is the frequency with which I came across rectangles. They are one of the most common shapes you come across in everyday life.

Here we have a curve and in the background you can see the outline of a rectangle.

Nicely coloured rectangles here. I straightened the perspective in photoshop to lessen the effect of convergence.

I can see two rectangles here, one is obvious but I see a second large white rectangle on the right hand side.

a doorway. The camera was tilted to get the convergence to look right.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

project 24; Shapes

Sqares, although I think that the background distracts from the emphasis of the subjects shape.

Not so here.

Or here.

Or here.

Project 23; Implied Lines

the sketch of the two photos from this project of the course. I hope the scan is good enough.

This is like a join the dots puzzles. A series of points suggests a line leading to the subject.

Whats that??

Up the stairs!

This is interesting, I took it a few months ago with a small point and click camera. The arrow on the ground was what attracted me at the time and I was waiting to get the area empty of people but I like the person in the shot now. I think also that there is a nice rhythm in the building on the right behind the person.

Taken with my iphone while skiing. Again join the dots.

Monday, March 22, 2010

project 22; Curves


Here following are some examples of curves I have come across.

This was taken with an iphone so the resolution is not too great. There are two curves here, one in the background is a large cornice. I would love to get up close to it and shoot it. It reminds me of a sand feature, of course it is created by the wind too. The second curve leads my eye from the standing figure from left to right, I wonder here actually if it moves away from the background and makes it harder to see it?

These lines are created by the machine which prepares the pistes. This is more of a diagonal than a curve but they are not quite straight. They have a great sense of movement to them though. I keep imagining sliding down them!

Again a curved diagonal. I like the light in this one.

Again a sense of movement here from the curves in the clouds.

My eye keeps following the bright white curve into the picture and the red one back out here so definitly a sense of movement.

not sure about this one, a manufactured curve. I used a fish eye lens.

again i think a sense of moving into the picture and following the curves.

my eye follows the outline of the wheel here. Also notice the triangle formation of the people.