Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Project 17 Positioning a point

positioning a point;

I have placed this point in the bottom right hand corner and off centre to create a more interesting composition. I have, on paper sketched the subdivision of the frame on paper. I have not shown the sketch here but the implied division is obvious. I find that my eye switches between the point and the empty space in the frame and back again. The positioning of the point here draws the viewers eye to the bottom right hand side of the frame.
The following pictures offer some alternatives.

Project 16 defining a point

A point in a photograph can be defined as something which draws the eye. This can be achieved through creative use of focus for example Or colour, tone, lighting, texture perhaps? Any way to make something stand out against its background. Scale and size are important too, although I would agree that this can be hard to define.

This, I think is a good example of an obvious point. Your eye is drawn straight to it and it stands out well from the background.

In this photo the eye is drawn to the cats eye, the one on the viewers right. It stands out from the background because of its colour and also by the lighting.

Here the eye is drawn to the moon. It stands out due to its luminosity and its colour.

This one is interesting. It stands out due to its colour but also I think because it contrasts with the straight lines of the door.