Friday, June 11, 2010

Assignment 2: Colour. Review and feedback.

Overall the feedback was very positive on this assignment. My tutor asks me to reconsider photo number 2 and try more imaginative compositions. In hindsight I agree with him and would have submitted a different photo for this.

Either this;

or this;

Both show complimentary colours and are more interesting photographs. What I think the process of actually sitting down and looking back over these tutor reports makes me realise is that I need to work on critiquing my own work. So far in nearly every review I have done I have had at least one photo that I did not submit that was stronger than one I did submit.

For this photo above his remarks were very encouraging but he mentioned he thought that this was a better photo;
Looking back now I think I was caught up in the relationship of the intensities of red and yellow and trying to get the ratios to each other to look right. The result is a little strile and the second photo is a better photo with nice graphic element to it.

He suggests that the contrasting colours here are just on the edge of contrasting. The red just being red enough. Below I have saturated the red some more but I still think as a contrasting colour arrangement its a little weak.

Here he say that it almost works as similar colours but that the green tends too much towards the yellow. I see that now. below is the same photo with the colours manipulated a little to achieve a closer result.

While he liked the potential of this photo he felt that the subject was too close to the edge of the frame and led the eye out of the picture. He suggests using the golden section.

Here I have moved the red flower in photoshop and the picture if improved.

He says the same about this.

Here I have again moved the pepper in photoshop and it has greatly improved it.

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