Here the cloudy day has given the subject more even lighting. The detail in the rocks below the turret is clear, I don't think it would be so clear on a sunny day. The shadow detail would be lost.
The first photo was taken at ISO 250. F14 and 1/60 second. the second was taken at ISO 400. F14 and 1/160 second. I notice that the shadow detail in the cloudy picture is better, softer. The difference between the highlights and shadows are less distinct. There is a colour difference. The orange rust colour of the statue is different. On zooming in there is a bluer hue to it.
Here is a closer look at the modeling affect of the different lighting. I think the softer light is better in this case. More detail can be seen in the statue, the lines in the metal work can be seen better in the overcast shot. In the clear day shot the distinct shadow are more of a focus than the first shot.
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